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Plant Data
This subproject delivers, creates and works with a focus on data that deal with vascular plants. Members of this group originate from Federal Agencies, the NetPhyD (Netzwerk Phytodiversität Deutschlands) and scientists that contribute and work on amphibian data (e.g. Department of Geobotany and Botanical Garden - University of Halle, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - University of Rostok).
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2nd Principle investigator

Owner of:
2 Datasets

Involved in:
3 Projects

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1 eichenberg medium



Owner of:
53 Datasets

Involved in:
23 Projects

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2nd Principle investigator

Owner of:
6 Datasets

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1 Projects

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 bonn medium


Principle investigator

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5 Datasets

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7 Projects

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 jansen medium


Principle investigator

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7 Datasets

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4 Projects

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 dengler medium


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 winter medium


2nd Principle investigator

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4 Datasets

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5 Projects

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 bruelheide medium


Principle investigator

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7 Datasets

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5 Projects

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Avatar missing medium


2nd Principle investigator

Owner of:
3 Datasets

Involved in:
4 Projects

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Data to compute ecological similarity of German Raster Quadrants

This is a collection of climatic, edaphic and geographic information that was used to calculate the ecological similarity weights for the Frescalo analyses pesented in Eichenberg et al (2020). o Climatic similarity was calculated based on the cl...

Id: 54
Users: 8
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2020-09-02
Updated at: 2020-09-02

FlorkartPlus: An extensive Dataset of floristic observations in Germany

This dataset was compiled through the joint efforts of the sMon working group (www.idiv.de/smon) in 2017-2018. We compiled a multitude of data sources on floristic observation data, starting with the FlorKart Dataset, priveded by the German federa...

Id: 52
Users: 31
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2020-08-28
Updated at: 2020-08-28

General: German Red List of Plant Species (LUDWIG & SCHNITTLER 1996)

This dataset gives the status of endangered plants in Germany. It is based on the "Rote Liste der Pflanzen Deutschlands, published by LUDWIG & SCHNITTLER, 1996. The List was compiled from a .pdf available online and read into R with the package ta...

Id: 16
Users: 1
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2018-01-17
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Geographical distances (in km) between German gid-cells

This dataset gives the distances between the central coordinates of the German raster grid-cells (MTB_Q) in km. It can be e.g. used as distance weights to compute the similarity weights for the Frescalo algrithm (Hill 2012). NOTE: This is only a ...

Id: 55
Users: 9
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2020-09-02
Updated at: 2020-09-02

Plant data: Occurrence and Abundance data of plant species in defined plots in Bavarian Gruenlandmonitoring (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence as well as abundance (in % area) of plant species in plots established within the framework of the bavarian "Gruenlandmonitoring". This monitoring scheme uses circular plots of 25m² area, with the c...

Id: 25
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species in Raster Quadrants in Bavaria, Alps (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence of plant species in raster quadrants in the bavarian alps. It has been compiled from the datasets available from the Biotoptypenkartierung in Bavaria, dataset "Alpen". The taxonomy of plant species ...

Id: 18
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-17
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species in Raster Quadrants in Bavaria, City (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence of plant species in raster quadrants in the bavarian cities. It has been compiled from the datasets available from the Biotoptypenkartierung in Bavaria, dataset "Stadt". The taxonomy of plant specie...

Id: 20
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-17
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species in Raster Quadrants in Bavaria, Lowlands (Flachland) (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence of plant species in raster quadrants in the bavarian lowlands. It has been compiled from the datasets available from the Biotoptypenkartierung in Bavaria, dataset "Flachland". The taxonomy of plant ...

Id: 19
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-17
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species (Viridiplantae) in Raster Quadrants in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Partly dataset)

The dataset presented here is only a exemplary excerpt from the full list of plant species occurrences per Grid cell in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It is derived from the floraMV given to David Eichenberg by Florian Jansen in November 2017. The taxono...

Id: 23
Users: 3
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant Data: Raster Quadrants with occurece data of plants (FFH 2,4,5) in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt (Partly dataset)

Occurence data of plants in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt collated to grid cells. The original data was provided by the LAU Saxony-Anhalt as an shapefile. The data was harmonized to similar date structures as well as to a common taxonomy acr...

Id: 42
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-21
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant Data: Vegetation Relevees from plots in the Fichtelgebrige and the Frankenwald (North-eastern Bavaria, Germany)

Occurrence and abundance of plant species from 102 plots in the Frankenwald and the Fichtelgebirge. This dataset is provided by the University of Bayreuth, Institute for Biogeography. The responsible person is Reinhld Stahlmann (Uni Bayreuth) and ...

Id: 50
Users: 3
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2018-05-07
Updated at: 2018-05-07

Similarity weights of German Raster Quadrants

Ecological similarity weights of German Raster quadrants according to 76 different variables. This dataset is a companion to the Analyses presented in Eichenberg et al. (2020). It is used to weight the Occurrence probabilities of a species A in gr...

Id: 53
Users: 9
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 2
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2020-09-02
Updated at: 2020-09-02

Vegetation Resurveys: Data on analyses of vegetation resurvey studies evaluated by Helge Bruelheide and Ute Jandt (Partly dataset)

Changes of abundances in plant species based on resurvey information available to sMon and GVRD compiled by Ute Jandt and Helge Bruelheide. For details on the process to obtain this dataset ask H. Bruelheide or U. Jandt. This dataset is only an ex...

Id: 43
Users: 3
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2018-01-21
Updated at: 2018-01-24

Vegetation Resurveys: Infrmation on the projects from which the data of the plant resurvey studies evaluated by Helge Bruelheide and Ute Jandt originate from

These are the projects that are related to the analyses on the changes of abundacnes in plant species based on resurvey information available to sMon and GVRD compiled by Ute Jandt and Helge Bruelheide. For details on the process to obtain this da...

Id: 44
Users: 3
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2018-01-21
Updated at: 2018-01-25
No information available
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