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Index: datasets

General: Quick guide to search functions on the BEFdata Portal

This guide aims at providing a concise and user-centred overview on how to find a special dataset or identify datasets containing the relevant information for the analysis one is to carry out. All instances of search options will be discussed, st...

Id: 4
Users: 1
Projects: 2
Datafiles: 0
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2018-01-13
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant Data: Vegetation Relevees from plots in the Fichtelgebrige and the Frankenwald (North-eastern Bavaria, Germany)

Occurrence and abundance of plant species from 102 plots in the Frankenwald and the Fichtelgebirge. This dataset is provided by the University of Bayreuth, Institute for Biogeography. The responsible person is Reinhld Stahlmann (Uni Bayreuth) and ...

Id: 50
Users: 3
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2018-05-07
Updated at: 2018-05-07

General: User manual for the BEFdata portal

The BEF data portal allows to exchange data sets as well as files, lists projects and research unit members, and implements a shopping cart mechanism to exchange files for paper proposals. This manual gives comprehensive instructions for users in ...

Id: 3
Users: 1
Projects: 2
Datafiles: 0
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2018-01-13
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Natural Configuration: Natural regions to which german gridcells (MTB_Q, based on central coordinates) belog to (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the Natrual region in which the center of a german raster quadrant MTB_Q lies. This file can be used to complement other Grid information files provided on the dataportal. The presented dataset is only an exemplar...

Id: 45
Users: 1
Projects: 2
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2018-01-21
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant Data: Raster Quadrants with occurece data of plants in the federal state of Hamburg (Partly dataset)

Occurence data of plants in the federal state of Hamburg collated to grid cells. The original data was provided by Kerstin Kreft (City of Hamburg) as an Acess database. The database contains more information on the extent and area of certain bioto...

Id: 35
Users: 2
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-20
Updated at: 2019-06-26

Biotope types: Coverage (percentage) of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Forests (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives the area and the percentage of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Forests covered by the different Biotoptypen (maybe translated to 'habitat types', although semantically not correct). This data represents the results of the Biotopype...

Id: 29
Users: 2
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21
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