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Index: projects

FOR891_sp09c1 Phylogenetic signals in plant-insect interactions : SP09c1 Phylogenetic signals in plant-insect interactions in a sub-tropical fo...

We will choose Schima superba,Castanopsis carlesii, Castanopsis eyrei, Rhus chinensis, Quercus serrata, Viburnum setigerum, Camellia chekiangoleosa and Hydrangea chinensis to be tree taxa. On these tree species and related species, we will surv...

Id: 33
People: 1
Datasets: 0
Proposals: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-11-27
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_sp08e heterotroph: SP08e Diversity and functional effects of herbivores, predators and saproxyl...

Herbivores have been suggested as important drivers of tree diversity in phytodiverse forests. Our herbivory census with BEF China revealed a positive herbivory-plant diversity relationship in the CSPs. This indicates that resource-concentration...

Id: 11
People: 3
Datasets: 31
Proposals: 17
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-01
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_sp08c litter as habitat: SP08c Litter layer as microhabitats: how is species diversity determined?

Litter layer is an important issue when we want to study biodiversity in a forest ecosystem as a whole. It connects community components above and below ground and is closely related to many different ecological processes and functions in forest...

Id: 25
People: 3
Datasets: 2
Proposals: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-02
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_sp07e soil microbes: SP07e Interplay of soil microbial and mycorrhiza fungal diversity with veget...

Microorganisms and mycorrhizal fungi rule resource cycling and plant adaptation to soils. Their community and diversity vary with plant diversity, soil properties and erosion, but were scarcely analysed in highly diverse subtropical forests with...

Id: 10
People: 5
Datasets: 8
Proposals: 3
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-01
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_sp07c soil microbes: SP07c The relationship between ectomycorrhizal fungi and woody plant species...

This study will be carried out in the plots of the Main Experiment in Xingangshan (Jiangxi province) of subtropical region of China. The aim is to understand the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi and their ecosystem function. The main work is ...

Id: 24
People: 6
Datasets: 5
Proposals: 8
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-02
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_sp06e soil: SP06e Mechanisms of soil erosion as a function of species richness and speci...

During the first phase of BEF China (2008-2010), we have concentrated our research on the modification of the kinetic energy of precipitation by its pass through the tree canopy. All measurements were conducted in the CSPs under natural rainfall...

Id: 9
People: 11
Datasets: 42
Proposals: 14
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-01
Updated at: 2019-12-17
No information available
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