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Index: projects

FOR891_sp08c litter as habitat: SP08c Litter layer as microhabitats: how is species diversity determined?

Litter layer is an important issue when we want to study biodiversity in a forest ecosystem as a whole. It connects community components above and below ground and is closely related to many different ecological processes and functions in forest...

Id: 25
People: 3
Datasets: 2
Proposals: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-02
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_sp07c soil microbes: SP07c The relationship between ectomycorrhizal fungi and woody plant species...

This study will be carried out in the plots of the Main Experiment in Xingangshan (Jiangxi province) of subtropical region of China. The aim is to understand the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi and their ecosystem function. The main work is ...

Id: 24
People: 6
Datasets: 5
Proposals: 8
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-02
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_z1e coordination: Z1e Project management and coordination for the European subprojects in the f...

The general topic of the “Central project Europe Z1e” is the project management and coordination for the European subprojects in the forest biodiversity ecosystem experiment BEF-China. In the first phase of BEF-China the Central project Z1e has re...

Id: 4
People: 12
Datasets: 31
Proposals: 7
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-03-31
Updated at: 2019-12-17

FOR891_z1c coordination: Z1c Project management and coordination for the Chinese subprojects in the f...

No information available

Id: 17
People: 5
Datasets: 2
Proposals: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-04-02
Updated at: 2019-12-17

TreeDì_P1C Belowground productivity : P1C: Belowground productivity and complementarity

Above- and belowground complementarity of resource use is considered an important mechanism for increased biomass production in diverse tree communities. Complementary space occupation and spatial niche differentiation in tree crowns and the rhizo...

Id: 38
People: 3
Datasets: 2
Proposals: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2019-12-17
Updated at: 2019-12-17

TreeDì_P1G Canopy dynamics: P1G: Spatio-temporal dynamics of canopy space filling

Above- and belowground complementarity of resource use is considered an important mechanism for increased biomass production in diverse tree communities. Complementary space occupation and spatial niche differentiation in tree crowns and the rhizo...

Id: 37
People: 5
Datasets: 2
Proposals: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2019-12-17
Updated at: 2019-12-17
No information available
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