FOR891_sp09c termites
SP09c Termite diversity and ground food webs in relation to decomposition in a subtropical forest diversity gradient
The accumulation and decomposition of wood and leaf litter in the forests have been
extensively studied and reviewed in the world. Grazing of dead wood and plant litter by soil
invertebrates are highly dominated by termites and ants, constituting the main biotic agent of
litter loss in tropical or subtropical forests. Through their diverse feeding and nesting
activities, termites become key mediators of pedological and ecological processes and play
key roles in decomposition processes, nutrient cycling, nitrogen fixation, carbon flux, soil
creation and soil distribution. These functions are largely dependent on the species
composition and diversity of the termite assemblage.
Dead wood and plant litter are an extremely diverse material and their decomposition is an
equally varied process. Different tree species produce wood of widely different hardness and
chemical composition both of which affect its palatability to termites. So which kinds of
chemical components affect termites’ food preference and the plant-termite food web
structure becomes a key issue for us to understand the decomposition process.
The German twin subproject concentrates on above-ground, multi-trophic interactions and
food web ecology of two linked study systems, (i) trap-nesting hymenoptera and (ii) ant-aphid
and ant-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid interactions. We plan to tightly link our field work with our
German partners to focus on the impact of ants on the plant-termite food webs and
decomposition rates. Since ants are important termite predators, the density of ants is
expected to negatively affect the termite community and their mediated role in the
decomposition process.
Besides describing multi-trophic interactions, the German projects propose to study the
concentration and diversity of sugars and amino-acids of the aphid honeydew to understand
chemical mechanisms driving the relationships between diversity and functioning. We will
use dried leaf samples of fresh and litter material to analyze total sugar and nitrogen
concentration to study how these chemical components affect the termite-community and
decomposition rates. Therefore both projects focus on chemical mechanisms driving BEF
relationships besides studying the link between above-ground and ground food webs as
drivers for ecosystem functioning.
In summary our sub-project proposes to (1) study the composition and distribution of termites
in this region, (2) which kinds of chemical components are key factors to determine food
preferences by termites, (3) assess the contribution of termites to decomposition of dead
woods or plant litters in subtropical forests. Our research is therefore not only linked to our
twin project but also tightly linked to all sub-projects focusing on the understanding of
decomposition processes.
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Principle investigator
Principle investigator
Owner of:
1 Datasets
1 Datasets
Involved in:
2 Projects
2 Projects

2nd Principle investigator
2nd Principle investigator
Owner of:
0 Datasets
0 Datasets
Involved in:
2 Projects
2 Projects
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