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Index: datasets

CSPs: Tree and shrub cuttings: leaf status and stem diameter measurements

Preliminary data from the common garden experiment in Gutianshan. Approximately 10,000 cuttings from 10 common species were collected from CSPs and planted in a common garden experiment within Gutianshan. Collection and planting took place in Augu...

Id: 424
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 3
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-10-01
Updated at: 2016-03-03

CSPs: Climate measurements in the Gutianshan Nature Reserve (2009-2012).

Aggregated daily measurments for the Gutianshan climate station from February 2009 to February 2012. Mind that only those values with measurement count 288 or 24 are valid, corresponding to 5 min or 60 min measurement intervals. Additionally an...

Id: 174
People: 5
Projects: 1
Version: 4
Attachments: 6
Created at: 2012-01-31
Updated at: 2016-03-24

Main Experiment: Soil P fractions (Hedley), soil pH, soil C and N content (Site A, Ext. A, B and E plots)

Soil sampling was carried out on a subset of 100 plots of two overlapping extinction scenarios on Site A (Extinction scenario A and B). The samples were collected from young forest communities composed of 1 - 24 species (see general plot informati...

Id: 586
People: 4
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2017-04-10
Updated at: 2017-04-10

CSPs: Soil horizons: bulk density in 2008/09

Bulk density of soil horizons for all 27 comparative study plots.

Id: 459
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 3
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2014-04-11
Updated at: 2016-03-03

NILEx unlabelled (leaf): total dry weight of leaves, leaf decomposition

This dataset provides information about the remaining leaf litter mass of the Unlabelled NILEx litter decomposition plots.

Id: 449
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-10-25
Updated at: 2017-01-09

Main Experiment: Intensive sampling soil microbial biomass (Site B)

The soil microbial community biomass data from intensive sampling site B in 2012.

Id: 552
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2016-11-22
Updated at: 2017-01-26
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