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Landesamt für Umweltschutz in Bayern
Das Bayerische Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU) ist die zentrale Fachbehörde für Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Geologie und Wasserwirtschaft in Bayern. Wir erheben und bewerten Daten über den Zustand der Umwelt in Bayern. Daraus entwickeln wir Ziele, Strategien und Planungen für eine nachhaltige Nutzung und Sicherung unserer Umwelt. Je nach Aufgabengebiet treten wir als Fachgutachter auf, geben Stellungnahmen ab, sind Aufsichtsbehörde oder Genehmigungsbehörde. Unser vielfältiges Aufgabengebiet umfasst unter anderem Abfallwirtschaft, Anlagensicherheit, Bodenschutz, Geologie, Gewässer- und Grundwasserschutz, Hochwasserschutz, Klimawandel, Lärm- und Erschütterungsschutz, Luftreinhaltung, Naturschutz- und Landschaftspflege, Stoff- und Chemikalienbewertung, Strahlenschutz, Umweltmanagement, Wasserbau, Wasserversorgung, fach- und medienübergreifende Fragen. Was wir wissen, geben wir weiter: auf Fachtagungen, in nationalen und internationalen Gremien, als Berater von Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Behörden, Kommunen, Politik und Öffentlichkeit, im Internet, unseren Online-Daten- und Infodiensten und mit Publikationen.
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1 eichenberg medium


Principle investigator

Owner of:
53 Datasets

Involved in:
23 Projects

E-Mail Profile
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Principle investigator

Owner of:
9 Datasets

Involved in:
1 Projects

E-Mail Profile
No information available


Biotope types: Coverage (percentage) of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Alps (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives the area and the percentage of Raster Quadrants in Bavaria covered by the different Biotoptypen (maybe translated to 'habitat types', although semantically not correct). This data represents the results of the Biotopypenkartieru...

Id: 26
Users: 2
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Biotope types: Coverage (percentage) of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Cities (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives the area and the percentage of Raster Quadrants in Bavaria covered by the different Biotoptypen (maybe translated to 'habitat types', although semantically not correct). This data represents the results of the Biotopypenkartieru...

Id: 28
Users: 2
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Biotope types: Coverage (percentage) of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Forests (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives the area and the percentage of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Forests covered by the different Biotoptypen (maybe translated to 'habitat types', although semantically not correct). This data represents the results of the Biotopype...

Id: 29
Users: 2
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Biotope types: Coverage (percentage) of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Lowland/Flachland (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives the area and the percentage of Raster Quadrants in Bavarian Lowlands covered by the different Biotoptypen (maybe translated to 'habitat types', although semantically not correct). This data represents the results of the Biotopyp...

Id: 27
Users: 2
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species in Raster Quadrants in Bavaria, Alps (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence of plant species in raster quadrants in the bavarian alps. It has been compiled from the datasets available from the Biotoptypenkartierung in Bavaria, dataset "Alpen". The taxonomy of plant species ...

Id: 18
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-17
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species in Raster Quadrants in Bavaria, City (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence of plant species in raster quadrants in the bavarian cities. It has been compiled from the datasets available from the Biotoptypenkartierung in Bavaria, dataset "Stadt". The taxonomy of plant specie...

Id: 20
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-17
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species in Raster Quadrants in Bavaria, Forests (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence of plant species in raster quadrants in the bavarian cities. It has been compiled from the datasets available from the Biotoptypenkartierung in Bavaria, dataset "Forests". The taxonomy of plant spec...

Id: 24
Users: 2
Projects: 3
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-18
Updated at: 2018-01-21

Plant data: Occurrence data of plant species in Raster Quadrants in Bavaria, Lowlands (Flachland) (Partly dataset)

This dataset gives information on the occurrence of plant species in raster quadrants in the bavarian lowlands. It has been compiled from the datasets available from the Biotoptypenkartierung in Bavaria, dataset "Flachland". The taxonomy of plant ...

Id: 19
Users: 2
Projects: 4
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2018-01-17
Updated at: 2018-01-21
No information available

No information available
No information available
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