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MultiTroph SP6
MultiTroph Ant trophic interactions and functions
The overall objectives of SP6 are to test if experimentally manipulated tree diversity influences the diversity, trait distribution, trophic interactions and ecosystem functions of ants (Fig. 1). We identify three interdependent main aims that will be the leading themes of the work packages (WP) and jointly allow to address the objectives: (1) Quantify the diversity and functional trait distribution of ants in all 300 core plots; this will not only allow to functionally characterise all collected ant species and to test if ant diversity and traits change with tree diversity, but also provide important baseline data for our other objectives and deliver a generic diversity variable available to other SPs and synthesis. This objective also incorporates ant specimens collected by SP1 and SP3. (2) Identify the trophic position and assess trophic interactions of ants by performing resource-choice experiments in the 300 core plots and by measuring δ15N from specimens in the 64 VIP plots; with these data we can calculate trophic redundancy, trophic niche breadth on species and community level, and infer whether the trophic interactions of single species and the entire ant community are related to tree diversity. We will also test which traits relate to trophic niche breadth and relative trophic positions. Data on preferences for acronutrients (from resource-choice experiments) will feed-back to the stoichiometry projects (SP2, SP3) and allow for a more complete quantification of nutrient limitations and element flows. (3) Measure the ecosystem function “scavenging” in the VIP plots and test how the interplay between tree diversity, ant diversity, trait distribution and trophic interactions influences ecosystem functionality. This third objective will build upon the other two objectives and integrate across components of biological organization to link diversity and interactions to a function.
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