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Index: datasets

Main Experiment: Amino acids in extrafloral nectar of tree species in the main experiment, 2012

Extrafloral nectar (EFN) is rich in sugars and amino acids and mediates the protection-for-food mutualism between EFN-plants and ants. We analyzed (via HPLC) 8 samples for the 3 EFN-tree species (Ailanthus altissima, Melia azedarach, Triadica coch...

Id: 500
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2016-03-22
Updated at: 2016-10-07

Main Experiment: Site B shrub positions: coordinates and topography

Planned and current species on positions with VIP and VIP replicate Plots in Site B. Includes information on the topography inferred from the 1m interpolated GIS.

Id: 154
People: 4
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-12-16
Updated at: 2017-08-17

Main Experiment: Site A tree positions in non-VIP extinction scenario BCEGRS plots: coordinates and topography

Planned and current tree species on positions in Plots of Site A. Includes information on the topography inferred from the 1m interpolated GIS.

Id: 253
People: 4
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-01-24
Updated at: 2017-08-17

Main experiment: Latin and Chinese species names and design acronyms

Latin and Chinese species names and design acronyms for the main experiment

Id: 366
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-06-21
Updated at: 2014-10-06

Data for the paper Liu et al. 2022. Journal of Ecology.

No information avialable

Id: 655
People: 1
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2022-06-05
Updated at: 2022-06-05

Main Experiment: Leaf traits and chemicals from individual trees in the Main Experiment (Site A & B)

Leaf traits and chemicals from tree species in the Main Experimental sites, including secondary compound (total phenolic and tannin concentrations) and information on stomata.

Id: 323
People: 4
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-03-12
Updated at: 2016-04-20
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