Decomposcape (leaf): remaining litter mass for all timesteps, Main Experiment, Site B
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Free within projects
Usage rights:
Usage rights for Sp5; Acknowledgements: Michael Leppert, Manuel Hiß, Mr. Qi, Chinese helpers, Katherina Pietsch, Chen Lin
No information available
For the “decomposcape” approach, a total of 4131 litter bags were filled with single-species litter of Osmanthus fragrans, Pinus massoniana and Schima superba, respectively. These bags have been fixed on the soil surface across both field sites. The positioning of the litter bags differ in topographic features, and in the diversity of the newly planted tree species. By studying the litter decomposition dynamics over time, we will thus quantify the effects of topography and micro-relief on decomposition dynamics. The study is part of the "Ecoscape approach". This dataset contains the values of the remaining litter mass at all three timesteps for the plots at Site A.
Polyester bags (15 x 15 cm, 1 x 1.5 mm mesh size, 5 g litter) were used to determine the mass loss of the leaves of three local tree species: Schima superba (collected in autumn 2010 in a secondary forest near the experimental sites), Pinus massoniana and Osmanthus fragrans (both collected in a monoculture plantation near the experimental sites). The leaves were dried at 65°C for 24 hours.
We exposed the litterbags at three positions (suplots) within the 35 different tree diversity plots and their corresponding replicates at both sites of the “Main Experiment”. Per subplot, three litterbags of each species were randomized and pinned directly onto the soil after removing the herb layer. Thus, a total of 3780 litterbags were deposited on 420 subplots across two sites. Additionally, a 25 cm wide frame of water permeable plastic fabric was pinned around the litterbag square to avoid weeds from growing into the subplots. After two, six and eleven months, one bag per litter species was sampled per subplot to determine the remaining dry mass of the leaves after cleaning.
For the topographic components we measured the inclination, aspect and soil-shape on each subplot. To calculate the microclimatic parameters, air humidity and temperature were measured with onset®,HOBO® Pro v2 data logger (Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, USA) every 30 min on one subplot per diversity level. Additionally, soil moisture measurements were conducted once a month with a ThetaProbe ML2x FD-Sonde and Infield7 handheld meter (UMS GmbH Munich, Germany).
Spatial extent:
Main Experiment, Site B
Temporal extent:
October 2011-September 2012
Taxonomic extent:
Leaf litter of Schima superba, Pinus massoniana and Osmanthus fragrans
Measurement cirumstances:
hot, sunny, mosquitos
Data analysis:
After two, six and eleven months, one bag per litter species was sampled per subplot to determine the remaining dry mass of the leaves after cleaning. Data can be used to calculate the decomposition rate constant k for each plot.
Dataset column
litter bag identification number; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
No information available
Decomposcape litter bag ID
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
Dec_Osm_B_T0_F25_S1 |
Dec_Osm_B_T0_D29_S3 |
Dec_Osm_B_T0_D29_S2 |
Dec_Osm_B_T0_D29_S1 |
Dec_Osm_B_T0_F25_S2 |
No information available
Dataset column
experimental site of main experiment; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
No information available
Experimental Site
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
B |
No information available
Dataset column
sampling timestep; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
No information available
Time series
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
T3 |
T2 |
T0 |
T1 |
No information available
Dataset column
days of decomposition; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
No information available
Exposure time
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
180 |
306 |
61 |
0 |
No information available
Dataset column
name of each plot, coded with letters and numbers in Site A; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
No information available
Plot name Main experiment (letter, number code)
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
G28 |
F26 |
F25 |
H29 |
D29 |
No information available
Dataset column
subplot within VIP or VIPrep plot; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
No information available
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
S2 |
S3 |
S1 |
No information available
Dataset column
subplot ID within VIP or VIPrep plot. Can be used to link this data to other Samplesets concerning Decomposcape, where subplot_ID is also available to describe the litterbag location. This e.g. refers to the dataset "Decomposcape: tree height Data Main Experiment" Site A and B, respectively.
No information available
Decomposcape sublot ID
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
Dec_B_F25_S2 |
Dec_B_D29_S1 |
Dec_B_D29_S3 |
Dec_B_D29_S2 |
Dec_B_F25_S1 |
No information available
Dataset column
litter mass at beginning; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
4.47 |
4.88 |
4.9 |
4.83 |
4.87 |
No information available
Dataset column
remaining litter mass at the respective timestep; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
2.29912 |
1.02795 |
2.32885 |
1.15947 |
2.03632 |
No information available
Dataset column
remaining litter mass at the respectibe timestep; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
101.42439999999999 |
100 |
20.724798387096772 |
101.25544354838709 |
105.87992047713719 |
No information available
Dataset column
Datum of sampling of the respective sample and timestep. Specified as: year-month-day
No information available
Date time information
date, litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
2012-04-26 |
2011-12-29 |
2012-09-30 |
2011-10-29 |
No information available
Dataset column
Plant species from which the respective leaf litter was collected; Datagroup description: The Data Group allows to link different data columns to one group. This means that data between files and within files can be linked. If the data type specified is "category", every entry in the datacolumn will be validated against a list of names specific to this data group. If the data type specified is "text", the entry will not be validated but saved as is. All the other data types are validated according to rules. Numbers are checked if they can be converted to numbers. If not, they will be treated as categories. Same for date entries. This allows to specify different missing value types. If you have a number column for the data group "altitude", you can specify that "-9999" means that this point is outside the range, while "NA" means, that it was not measured.
No information available
Scientific plant species name
litter decomposition, Decomposcape, Ecoscape
Pinus massoniana |
Schima superba |
Osmanthus fragrans |
No information available
No information available
No information available
No information avialable
No information available
No information available
No information available
No information available
No information available
No information available