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Index: datasets

CSPs: Soil phosphorus neighborhood effects - location of observed tree groups CSP 13, 14, 27

Geospatial coordinates of the tree groups.

Id: 223
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2012-07-02
Updated at: 2016-03-03

CSPs: Tree functional leaf trait diversity in the CSPs

Functional diversity of CSPs based on leaf traits alone. Other estimates given are also based on only those species for which leaf traits are available. There is a separate file for all the leaf traits.

Id: 211
People: 2
Projects: 0
Version: 0
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2012-03-22
Updated at: 2016-03-03

Main Experiment: Phylogenetic distance matrix of the main experiment

Phylogenetic distance matrix of the main experiment

Id: 227
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2012-09-17
Updated at: 2016-03-03

BEFmod: Herb layer biomass and nutrient status within the integrated BEFmod experiment - Site B

In forests, the herbaceous understory vegetation plays an important role for ecosystem functioning as it represents a significant component of total aboveground productivity. In addition, the herb layer contributes to overall forest species richne...

Id: 579
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2017-04-03
Updated at: 2017-04-07

Talks Chinese European PI meeting (27. & 28.04.2013, Beijing)

Presentations given at the Chinese-European PI meeting in April 2013 in Bejing. Short overview of the results achieved in the 2nd phase and overview of the intended research in the 3rd phase. In addition, summary of group discussions during th...

Id: 338
People: 2
Projects: 1
Version: 0
Attachments: 12
Created at: 2013-05-06
Updated at: 2014-02-24

Decomposcape (general): soil moisture data, Main Experiment, Site B

For the “decomposcape” approach, a total of 4131 litter bags were filled with single-species litter of Osmanthus fragrans, Pinus massoniana and Schima superba, respectively. These bags have been fixed on the soil surface across both field sites. T...

Id: 444
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-10-24
Updated at: 2017-01-09
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