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Index: datasets

Data for Purahong et al. (2016): Tree species, tree genotypes and tree genotypic diversity levels affect soil enzyme activities

Tree species identity and tree genotypes contribute to the shaping of soil microbial communities. However, knowledge about how these two factors influence soil ecosystem functions is still lacking. Furthermore, in forest ecosystems tree genotypes ...

Id: 556
People: 1
Projects: 1
Version: 0
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2016-12-05
Updated at: 2017-01-26

CSPs: Tree neighbour competitive traits in the comparative study plots - tree individuals

This research is done to quantifiy individual tree growth and mortality within and among different species in the comparative study plots. Local neighbourhood interactions are analysed by the means of competition indices. Questions are: (a) does d...

Id: 135
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2011-10-05
Updated at: 2016-03-03

General: Conference 2011 Program and zipped Lectures

Programme of the BEF China conference in Beijing, May 2011.

Id: 103
People: 1
Projects: 1
Version: 0
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2011-08-09
Updated at: 2017-01-26

General: Paper proposal how to

Paper proposals can be submitted only after logging into the portal. This presentation shows how to see the list of paper proposals and how to create a new paper proposal.

Id: 85
People: 1
Projects: 1
Version: 0
Attachments: 1
Created at: 2011-07-07
Updated at: 2017-01-26

NILEx unlabelled (leaf): dry weight of leaf litter from runoff plots

This dataset provides information about the remaining litter mass fom all Unlabelled NILEx ROPs at the end of the experiment

Id: 278
People: 3
Projects: 1
Version: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-02-21
Updated at: 2017-01-09

Talks BEF conference 2011

(1) Bruelheide: Stepping stones and motivation of the BEF China experiment. (2)Ma, Dali Guo: Below ground biomass, trees harvested near the main experiment, species list of harvested trees, pictures of harvesting and processing, allocation graphs...

Id: 104
People: 22
Projects: 1
Version: 0
Attachments: 8
Created at: 2011-08-09
Updated at: 2014-02-24
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