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BEFmod: Collection of available data for synthesis
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This is a collection of all data gathered by all participating projects of the BEFmod Experiment. This document does not provide any data but aims at giving an overview on which type of data is available from all participating subprojects of the BEFmod Experiment throughout the last years. In addition to the overview of data, you will find a list of names of researchers invovled in the respective subproject. You can adress these people (preferrably the PIs) if you are interested in the specific data. Some of the datasets have already been made available on the Dataportal and there will be references to the respective dataset number (http://china.befdata.biow.uni-leipzig.de/datasets/<dataset number>. SP1: Basal Area and total height all treatments - 2014 & 2015: available - 2016: to come Please contact: -Yuanyuan Huang (data owner); - PIs: Porf. Bernhard Schmid, Prof. Pascal Niklaus SP2: Crown morphology all treatments - 2014: Site A dataset 508; Site B dataset 512 - 2015: Site A dataset 514; Site B dataset 516 Please contact: - Ying Li (data owner) - PIs: Prof. Goddert von Oheimb, Prof. Werner Härdtle SP8: Herbivory data (all except the no weeding treatments) - 2014: available - 2015: available Please contact: - PI: Dr. Andreas Schuldt SP9: Trophobiosis data (all treatments) - 2014: available - 2015: available Potentially available: nontrophobisis data on arthropod leaf-suckers Please contact: - Dr. Michael Staab, Felix Fornoff (data owners) - PIs: Prof. Alexandra-Maria Klein, Prof. Nico Blüthgen SP11: Herb layer compsition (control, phosphorous, non-weeding treatments) - 2014: available (dataset 497) Herb layer cover (control, phosphorous, non-weeding treatments) - 2014: available (dataset 495) Please contact: - Markus Germany (data owner) - PI: Prof. Alexandra Erfmeier SP13: Microbial information on soil samples (phosphorous and control treatment) - Microbial composition: available - Enzyme activities: potentially available Please contact: - Zhiquin Pei (data owner) - PIs: Prof. Jessica Gutknecht, Prof. François Buscot SP14: Leaf pathogen data (all treatments except no-weeding plots) - 2014: available - 2015: available Please contact: - PI: Dr. Lydia Hönig (data owner)
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Owner of:
27 Datasets

Involved in:
3 Projects

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