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General: Overview of Information and Discussions gathered during the 1st sMon Workshop in Nov 2017
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This worksheet gives an overview on the datasets collected and discussed for future availability in the first workshop of the sMon project in November 2017 in Leipzig, Germany. The main task of this meeting was to elaborate the pivotal question on how and in which depth data can be analysed in terms of changes in species distribution, species occurrence and species abundances in space and time, that were originally not collected with the aim to do so. A major challenge that was identified during this discussion was the tremendous heterogeneity of the methods that were used to gather the respective data within and across the different stakeholders. This information is necessary if one aims at harmonising datasets to allow for a harmonisation across the available data. Here, the development of methods that allow to account for this heterogeneity when analysing the data will potentially allow assessing the past development of species numbers, distribution and/or abundances of species in Germany across space and time. The sheet availabe as a freeformat file below contains a brief description of available datasets, the formats in which these datasets exist and wich datasets may be aquired from which organization/stakeholder in the future. Moreover, a brief overview on the discussions from the workshop is given as well as information on future re-surveys of selected plots. For a detailed summary of the first workshop as well as the presentations given by the stakeholders see: https://goo.gl/Rj4HNU
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Spatial extent:
No information available
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No information available
Taxonomic extent:
No information available
Measurement cirumstances:
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Data analysis:
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File name:
Brief, unstructured overview on the datasets and discussions that were dealt with in the first sMon workshop in Nov 2017 in Leipzig.
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83.7 KB
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1 eichenberg medium


Owner of:
53 Datasets

Involved in:
23 Projects

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