FunDivEUROPE | Functional significance of forest biodiversity in Europe Header logo fundiv
Index: datasets

Soil enzymes on 64 plots of SoilForEurope (from Soil Sampling Campain 2017) -Xilosidase, Cellobiohydrolase, N-acetilglucoaminase, β-glucosidase, Phosphatase - SoilForEurope

Soil samples for enzyme analyses were taken during the 2017 SoilForEUROPE field sampling campaign. Our aim to determinate enzymatic activities within soil for Europe soil plots. This dataframe contain the enzyme activities of Xilosidase, Cellobioh...

Id: 530
Users: 1
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2021-09-14
Updated at: 2021-09-14

Bird data of the exploratory region in Poland

This dataset contains the bird communities sampled from the Polish region

Id: 245
Users: 1
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2014-01-15
Updated at: 2020-02-17

Soil water: chemistry of soil water of permanent measuring points- (HIPs only) - Italy

Nutrients composition of the Italian soil water sampling.

Id: 300
Users: 2
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2014-01-24
Updated at: 2020-02-17

Exploratory plot descriptors – plot biomass - Poland

This dataset contains the aboveground biomass of trees at both inventory occasions and the biomass production over the interval (6 years for this site).

Id: 474
Users: 4
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2020-04-11
Updated at: 2020-04-11

Mammalian herbivory in Romanian exploratory

Mammalian herbivores are important drivers of plant species composition in forests, and at high densities of herbivore browsing pressure can have effects on regeneration of tree species, including mortality of saplings, and lead to a dominance of ...

Id: 143
Users: 2
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-03-06
Updated at: 2020-02-17

Soil water: chemistry of rainfall - Poland

Nutrients composition of the Polish rain water sampling.

Id: 274
Users: 1
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2014-01-20
Updated at: 2020-02-17
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