FunDivEUROPE | Functional significance of forest biodiversity in Europe Header logo fundiv
Index: datasets

Exploratory plot descriptors - tree data – year 2017 – Inventory 2 – Romania

This dataset contains the location, size and species of the trees in each plot, and estimation of tree biomass, based on the 2017 inventory (inventory 2).

Id: 466
Users: 3
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 2
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2020-04-10
Updated at: 2020-04-10

Exploratory plot descriptors - tree data - Finland

This dataset contains the location, size and species of the trees in each plot. 06-06-2013 - added Target column to identify trees that are of the target species for the particular plot.

Id: 59
Users: 2
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 6
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2012-02-29
Updated at: 2020-02-17


This file includes the characteristics of the trees in the 33 plots of the MIXLOR network, Lorraine, France set up in 2020-2021

Id: 585
Users: 2
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2023-06-12
Updated at: 2024-03-12

Dr.Forest T1.2 Acoustic Indices from audio recordings_complete dataset

This dataset belongs to Dr. Forest's task T1.2 "Sensory experience of biodiversity via soundscapes." and contains the complete time series of acoustic indices for all sites and seasons that were monitored using AudioMoth v.1.1.0. This dataset ca...

Id: 586
Users: 1
Projects: 0
Datafiles: 0
Attachments: 2
Created at: 2023-07-11
Updated at: 2023-08-18

WorldClim climate variables for the exploratory plots

At 1km x 1 km resolution

Id: 209
Users: 1
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2013-12-04
Updated at: 2020-02-17

Stem quality data for all exploratory plots

No information avialable

Id: 366
Users: 1
Projects: 1
Datafiles: 1
Attachments: 0
Created at: 2014-04-09
Updated at: 2020-02-17
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