Productivity and diversity of mushrooms at the MixLor site
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During our project we investigate the effect of tree diversity on the production, species richness and nutritional values of the mushrooms. We collected all soil macrofungi from plots of non-identical tree biodiversity (1- and 3 species mixtures) to compare their production, species richness and nutritional values in different “tree diversity conditions”. This data sheet contains information about the production (macrofungi sporocarps biomass [g]) and diversity (no of macrofungi species) in diffrent plots.
Sampling took place in every 1- or 3-species plot (VIP plots). First, mushrooms were collected at the entire plots (30x30m), extended with a 2,5m-wide stripe of land around (35mx35m). Mushrooms from each plot were collected to separate baskets. Then, we: 1) determined mushrooms species to the lowest possible level 2) weighed fresh mass of each species from every plot separately with 0,1 g accuracy 3) dried the samples in 50℃ for 18h (longer if needed) 4) weighed samples with 0.1 g accuracy 5) took samples of edible mushrooms present in more than 40% of plots to a laboratory, to analyze their content od aminoacids.
Spatial extent:
MixLor, France, 1- and 3- tree species mixtures plots
Temporal extent:
autumn 2021
Taxonomic extent:
sporocarps of all soil-dwelling and epixylic macrofungi (excluding bracket fungi and those with size of the sporocarp <0.5 cm)
Measurement cirumstances:
sunny or cloudy, around 5-15℃
Data analysis:
productivity (macrofungi sporocarps biomass [g]) and diversity (number of species) per plot; Content of aminoacids in edible mushrooms present in more than 40% of the plots - impact of tree species identity and diversity on these factors.
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120 KB
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