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Dr.Forest T1.2 Acoustic Indices from audio recordings_complete dataset
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Free for members
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This dataset belongs to Dr. Forest's task T1.2 "Sensory experience of biodiversity via soundscapes." and contains the complete time series of acoustic indices for all sites and seasons that were monitored using AudioMoth v.1.1.0. This dataset can be used to describe acoustic patterns for the Dr.Forest study sites (Bialowieza, Hainich, TreeWeb, MixLor, Forbio (Gedinne, Zegeldem, Hechtel-Eksel) and Biotree (Kaltenborn) and relate acoustic patterns to forest structural parameters for example. As the dataset is too large it is uploaded separately as an RDA file.
see Sampling protocoll T1.2 for the set up and recording specifications.
Spatial extent:
This dataset can be used to describe acoustic patterns for the Dr.Forest study sites (Bialowieza, Hainich, TreeWeb, MixLor, Forbio (Gedinne, Zegeldem, Hechtel-Eksel) and Biotree (Kaltenborn) and relate acoustic patterns to forest structural parameters for example.
Temporal extent:
Poland, Bialowieza: summer 2020: 15.07.2020-15.08.2020; autumn 2020: 15.10.2020-15.11.2020; winter 2021: 20.02.2021-20.03.2021; spring 2021: 15.04.2021-15.05.2021; summer 2021: 15.07.2021-15.08.2021; spring 2022: 15.04.2022-15.05.2022// Germany, Hainich: summer 2020: 15.07.2020-15.08.2020; autumn 2020: 22.10.2020-22.11.2020; winter 2021: 30.01.2021-02.03.2021; spring 2021: 06.04.2021-06.05.2021; summer 2021: 15.07.2021-15.08.2021; spring 2022: 15.04.2022-15.05.2022// Belgium, TreeWeb: summer 2020: not available, recording could only start in autumn; autumn 2020: 15.10.2020-15.11.2020; winter 2021: 30.01.2021-02.03.2021; spring 2021: 15.04.2021-15.05.2021; summer 2021: 30.06.2021-30.07.2021; spring 2022: 14.04.2022-14.05.2022// France, MixLor, four species platform: summer 2020: not available platform established in summer 2021; autumn 2020: not available platform established in summer 2021; winter 2021: not available platform established in summer 2021; spring 2021: not available platform established in summer 2021; summer 2021: 15.07.2021-15.08.2021; autumn 2021: 15.10.2021-15.11.2021; winter 2022: 15.01.2022-15.02.2022; spring 2022: 13.04.2022-05.05.2022 (stopped early because if SD card issues)// France, MixLor,oak-pine platform: summer 2020: not available platform established in summer 2021; autumn 2020: not available platform established in summer 2021; winter 2021: not available platform established in summer 2021; spring 2021: not available platform established in summer 2021; summer 2021: 15.07.2021-15.08.2021; autumn 2021: 15.10.2021-15.11.2021; winter 2022: 15.01.2022-15.02.2022; spring 2022: not available// Forbio, Zegeldem: summer 2020: 15.07.2020-15.08.2020; autumn 2020: 15.10.2020-15.11.2020; winter 2021: 30.01.2021-02.03.2021; spring 2021: 15.04.2021-15.05.2021// Forbio, Hechtel-Eksel: summer 2020: 15.07.2020-15.08.2020; autumn 2020: 14.10.2020-14.11.2020; winter 2021: 30.01.2021-02.03.2021; spring 2021: 15.04.2021-15.05.2021// Forbio, Gedinne: summer 2020: 15.07.2020-15.08.2020; autumn 2020: 13.10.2020-13.11.2020; winter 2021: 29.01.2021-02.03.2021; spring 2021: 24.04.2021-24.05.2021// Biotree, Kaltenborn: summer 2020: 16.07.2020-16.08.2020; autumn 2020: 15.10.2020-15.11.2020; winter 2021: 30.01.2021-02.03.2021; spring 2021: 20.04.2021-20.05.2021//
Taxonomic extent:
No Taxonomic data. Indices are based on acoustic activity of the abiotic and biotic environment. In this specific case, most acoustic events are either from wind or bird vocalization. But see corresp9ond dataset on bird identification by (i) aurally by experts; (ii) automatically based on BirdNET.
Measurement cirumstances:
No information available
Data analysis:
Acoustic indices were calculated using “Analysis Program” (Towsey et al., 2018). “High Amplitude” and “Clipping Index” were used to identify recordings with very loud wind and rain noises and excluded all recordings with values >0 from this dataset. Indices were calcuated based on 1-minute recoding length. The two consequtive minutes per recording were aggregated into on mean value, resulting in one index values per 15-minute time period. For a detailled description of acoustic indices and how they are calcualted in Analysis programm see Towsey et al. (2018): Towsey, M., Truskinger, A., Cottman-Fields, M., and Roe, P. (2018). Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software. Version V18.03.0.41. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1188744.
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File name:
Acoustic Indices
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File size:
95.1 MB
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Meta data for ALLAcousticData4.RObj
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File size:
105 KB
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